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International Conferences

VI International Conference on Legume Genetics and Genomics, 2012.10.02~2012.10.07, Hyderabad Marriott Hotel & Convention Centre, Hyderabad, India, Poster, Nucleotide sequence variations on conserved regulatory sequence motifs between Glycine max and G. soja

Plant and Animal Genome XXII conference, 2014.01.10~2014.01.15, Town and country hotel, SanDiego, CA, USA, Poster, Nucleotide sequence variation on conserved regulatory sequence motifs in Glycine max and Glycine soja

Korean Conferences

한국육종학회, 2014.07.03~2014.07.04, 제주도 라마다호텔, Poster, DNA sequence variations between UVB-sensitive and tolerant soybean genotypes

Teaching Experiences

첨단육종기술 전문가과정 강의, 서울대학교 식물유전체육종연구소, 2014.07.08~2014.07.09, 서울대학교 SPC 농생명연구동, Lecture, Discovering SNPs from RNA-seq data for marker development, Basic Python Language course

1st International Bioinformatics Training Programs (Resequencing analysis and Python), Seoul National University College of Agriculture and Life Science Dept. of Plant Science, Crop Science and Biotechnology Crop Genomic Lab., 2014. 12. 08 ~ 2015. 01. 23, Lecture, Sequence Alignment/Characterization of SNPs,Indels/Cunstructing genetic map using GBS/Genome browser-Jbrowser

Bioinformatics to support genomic-based breeding hosted by Indonesian Agency of Agricultural Research and Development, Indonesia, 2015.08.19 ~ 2015.08.22, Lecture, General aspects for genetic map construction/Basic Linux command & Basic Python 1,Getting familiar with NGS/Real data analysis & Basic Pyhton 2, Advanced Pyhton/Data Parsing, Genetic map construction using JoinMap4.1