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(5 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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|J.curcas stem transcriptome paired end RNA seq ~/fastq/Jatropha/
|J.curcas root transcriptome paired end RNA seq ~/fastq/Jatropha/
|V. radiata var. sublobata; 180 bp fragment library
|천알콩 resequencing
|천알콩 resequencing
|V. reflexo-pilosa var. glabra; 180 bp fragment library
Line 149: Line 165:
|장영은 DD Low RNAseq 4
|장영은 DD Low RNAseq 4
|Not assigned low coverage DNAseq for UV (업로드 예정)
|Not assigned low coverage DNAseq for UV (업로드 예정)
|Not assigned low coverage DNAseq for UV (업로드 예정)
|Not assigned low coverage DNAseq for UV (업로드 예정)

Latest revision as of 08:40, 19 June 2014

실험실 데이터 백업을 위해 연간 200만원 정도 지불하는 5TB 백업 클라우드 저장공간
ID : kangyangjae@gmail.com
PASS : 개인적으로 물어보길
전용 GTP protocol tool이 존재함. 리눅스 커맨드라인에서도 작업가능[다운로드].

File1 File2 설명
Stem_1.fastq.gz Stem_2.fastq.gz J.curcas stem transcriptome paired end RNA seq ~/fastq/Jatropha/
Root_1.fastq.gz Root_2.fastq.gz J.curcas root transcriptome paired end RNA seq ~/fastq/Jatropha/
4_180bp_1.fastq.gz 4_180bp_2.fastq.gz V. radiata var. sublobata; 180 bp fragment library
cik_1.fastq.gz cik_2.fastq.gz 천알콩 resequencing
11_180bp_1.fastq.gz 11_180bp_2.fastq.gz V. reflexo-pilosa var. glabra; 180 bp fragment library
dbk_1.fastq.gz dbk_2.fastq.gz 단백콩 resequencing
DD2-HIGH_1.fastq.gz DD2-HIGH_2.fastq.gz 장영은 대원 단백 NIL set중 protein 함량 높은 라인 resequencing
DD2-LOW_1.fastq.gz DD2-LOW_2.fastq.gz 장영은 대원 단백 NIL set중 protein 함량 낮은 라인 resequencing
dwk_1.fastq.gz dwk_2.fastq.gz 대원콩 resequencing
KWP10_1.fastq.gz KWP10_2.fastq.gz 경원팥 de novo assembly용 10kb mate pair library sequencing
kwp-1_1.fastq.gz kwp-1_2.fastq.gz 경원팥 de novo assembly용 500bp paired end library sequencing
KWP5_1.fastq.gz KWP5_2.fastq.gz 경원팥 de novo assembly용 5kb mate pair library sequencing
psnm_1.fastq.gz psnm_2.fastq.gz 풍산나물콩 resequencing
SD-HIGH_1.fastq.gz SD-HIGH_2.fastq.gz 장영은 신팔달콩 단백콩 NIL protein 함량 높은 라인 resequencing
SD-LOW_1.fastq.gz SD-LOW_2.fastq.gz 장영은 신팔달콩 단백콩 NIL protein 함량 낮은 라인 resequencing
spdk_1.fastq.gz spdk_2.fastq.gz 신팔달콩 resequencing
SS2-2_1.fastq.gz SS2-2_2.fastq.gz SS2-2 resequencing
XT2_1.fastq.gz XT2_2.fastq.gz Barley_wildtype_paired_end_insert_500 (Alberto 교수님의 의뢰였음)
LC1_1.fastq.gz LC1_2.fastq.gz Barley_Mutant_paired_end_insert500 (Alberto 교수님의 의뢰였음)
LC13_1.fastq.gz LC13_2.fastq.gz Barley_Mutant_paired_end_insert500 (Alberto 교수님의 의뢰였음)
LC4_1.fastq.gz LC4_2.fastq.gz Barley_Mutant_paired_end_insert500 (Alberto 교수님의 의뢰였음)
LC7_1.fastq.gz LC7_2.fastq.gz Barley_Mutant_paired_end_insert500 (Alberto 교수님의 의뢰였음)
A_1.fastq.gz A_2.fastq.gz 인도네시아 품종 Anjasmoro (정확한 Accession number 필요)
T_1.fastq.gz T_2.fastq.gz 인도네시아 품종 Tanggamus (정확한 Accession number 필요)
W_1.fastq.gz W_2.fastq.gz 인도네시아 품종 Wilis (정확한 Accession number 필요)
C_0_1.fastq.gz C_0_2.fastq.gz 윤민영 UV 청자 RNAseq 0 시간
C_30m_1.fastq.gz C_30m_2.fastq.gz 윤민영 UV 청자 RNAseq 30분
C_6h_1.fastq.gz C_6h_2.fastq.gz 윤민영 UV 청자 RNAseq 6시간
IT_0_1.fastq.gz IT_0_2.fastq.gz 윤민영 UV IT RNAseq 0시간
IT_30m_1.fastq.gz IT_30m_2.fastq.gz 윤민영 UV IT RNAseq 30분
IT_6h_1.fastq.gz IT_6h_1.fastq.gz 윤민영 UV IT RNAseq 6시간
DH1_1.fastq.gz DH1_2.fastq.gz 장영은 DD High RNAseq 1
DH2_1.fastq.gz DH2_2.fastq.gz 장영은 DD High RNAseq 2
DH3_1.fastq.gz DH3_2.fastq.gz 장영은 DD High RNAseq 3
DH4_1.fastq.gz DH4_2.fastq.gz 장영은 DD High RNAseq 4
DL1_1.fastq.gz DL1_2.fastq.gz 장영은 DD Low RNAseq 1
DL2_1.fastq.gz DL2_2.fastq.gz 장영은 DD Low RNAseq 2
DL3_1.fastq.gz DL3_2.fastq.gz 장영은 DD Low RNAseq 3
DL4_1.fastq.gz DL4_2.fastq.gz 장영은 DD Low RNAseq 4
CC-1.txt CC-2.txt Not assigned low coverage DNAseq for UV (업로드 예정)
CT-1.txt CT-2.txt Not assigned low coverage DNAseq for UV (업로드 예정)
ITC-1.txt ITC-2.txt Not assigned low coverage DNAseq for UV (업로드 예정)
ITT-1.txt ITT-2.txt Not assigned low coverage DNAseq for UV (업로드 예정)