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UV.new.chojam.q30.SNP.recode.vcf -> '''153,384''' SNPs
UV.new.chojam.q30.SNP.recode.vcf -> '''153,384''' SNPs
3) Parent는 resequencing, population은 GBS
CJ3, BS resequencing data: '''244:/hayasen/Workspace/YoonMY/variant.vcf'''
Filtering options: SNP-only, minQ = 30, ''homozygous & polymorphic'' (parent_homo.py)
여기까지 준비된 raw files:
Parent resequencing data -> '''variant.q30.SNP.homo.vcf'''
Population GBS data -> '''UV.new.chojam.q30.SNP.recode.vcf'''
4) '''Parent variant와 population variant 중 ''같은 loci position만 걸러낸다'''''
* 교집합 걸러내기
python common_loci.py [parent_resequencing_vcf] [population_GBS_vcf]
python common_loci.py variant.q30.SNP.homo.vcf UV.new.chojam.q30.SNP.recode.vcf
-> ''produces parent_vcf'''.out''' and population_vcf'''.out'''''
* Sorting, excluding scaffolds
sort -V variant.q30.SNP.homo.vcf.out > parent.out
grep -v 'sca' parent.out > parent.chr.out
sort -V UV.new.chojam.q30.SNP.recode.vcf.outt > popult.out
grep -v 'sca' popult.out > popult.chr.out
* 합치기
python iteration.py [parent_resequencing_vcf] [population_GBS_vcf] [common_loci_out]
python iteration.py parent.chr.out popult.chr.out parent.popult.GT.out
5) Change into .loc form (genotypes 'A' and 'B) and transpose
python loc_form.py parent.popult.GT.out parent.popult.GT.loc
python transpose.py parent.popult.GT.loc parent.popult.GT.loc.transposed

Revision as of 03:06, 8 July 2020

Basic principle

기본이 되는 논문: High-throughput genotyping by whole-genome resequencing, Huang et al., Genome res., 2009

  • SNPs between the two genome sequences were identified as potential markers for genotyping.
    • 처음 마커의 모집단은 모부본 사이의 SNP
    • 왜냐하면 모부본은 높은 시퀀싱 퀄리티를 가지고 있기 때문


WD: 244:/hayasen/chojam/bin_mapping

하위 파일:

1) variant.vcf -> /hayasen/Workspace/YoonMY/variant.vcf 청자3호, 부석의 resequencing 파일로 variant calling한 것

2) UV.new.chojam.variant.vcf -> ../new_GBS/UV.new.chojam.variant.vcf CB population GBS data

분석 방법:

1-1) 너무 낮은 퀄리티의 variant는 걸러낸다. 기본적으로 q30은 깔고 들어간다. Depth는 신경쓰지 않는다.

1-2) SNP만 걸러낸다. InDel은 bin mapping strategy에서 쓰이지 않는다.

vcftools --vcf (variant.vcf/UV.new.chojam.variant.vcf) --out (variant.q30.SNP/UV.new.chojam.q30.SNP) --minQ 30 --remove-indels --recode

2) 모부본의 variant 중 homozygous, polymorphic 한 것들만 골라낸다.

python parent_homo.py variant.q30.SNP.recode.vcf variant.q30.SNP.homo.vcf

여기까지 걸러진 SNP 개수:

variant.q30.SNP.homo.vcf -> 317,561 SNPs

UV.new.chojam.q30.SNP.recode.vcf -> 153,384 SNPs

3) Parent는 resequencing, population은 GBS

CJ3, BS resequencing data: 244:/hayasen/Workspace/YoonMY/variant.vcf

Filtering options: SNP-only, minQ = 30, homozygous & polymorphic (parent_homo.py)

여기까지 준비된 raw files:

Parent resequencing data -> variant.q30.SNP.homo.vcf

Population GBS data -> UV.new.chojam.q30.SNP.recode.vcf

4) Parent variant와 population variant 중 같은 loci position만 걸러낸다

  • 교집합 걸러내기
python common_loci.py [parent_resequencing_vcf] [population_GBS_vcf]
python common_loci.py variant.q30.SNP.homo.vcf UV.new.chojam.q30.SNP.recode.vcf
-> produces parent_vcf.out and population_vcf.out
  • Sorting, excluding scaffolds
sort -V variant.q30.SNP.homo.vcf.out > parent.out
grep -v 'sca' parent.out > parent.chr.out

sort -V UV.new.chojam.q30.SNP.recode.vcf.outt > popult.out
grep -v 'sca' popult.out > popult.chr.out
  • 합치기
python iteration.py [parent_resequencing_vcf] [population_GBS_vcf] [common_loci_out]
python iteration.py parent.chr.out popult.chr.out parent.popult.GT.out

5) Change into .loc form (genotypes 'A' and 'B) and transpose

python loc_form.py parent.popult.GT.out parent.popult.GT.loc
python transpose.py parent.popult.GT.loc parent.popult.GT.loc.transposed