Difference between revisions of "2018 Hakyung August Lab note"

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(svg 만드는 코드)
(결과로 나오는 code)
Line 43: Line 43:
   <line x1= "80" y1 = "102" x2 = "145" y2 = "102" stroke="black" stroke-width= "1" />
   <line x1= "80" y1 = "102" x2 = "145" y2 = "102" stroke="black" stroke-width= "1" />

Latest revision as of 02:20, 30 August 2018

svg 만드는 코드

  • format을 써봤음 ㅎㅎ
print ("<svg width = ""4000"" height = ""50000"">") #도화지? 사이즈
x = 100
f = open ("chromosomesize.txt", "r").readlines() # chr01 /n size 로 정렬되어 있음 
i = 2 
while i < 41 : # chromosome size 에 대하여
       height = float(f[i].strip())/25000 # 25000 비율로 줄이기
       rec = '  <rect x = \"{0}\" y =\"100\" rx= \"50\" ry = \"20\" width = \"25\" height= \"{1}\" 
style="fill:white;stroke:black;stroke-width:5"/>'.format(x, height) # 0 자리에 x 변수, 1 자리에 height 변수에 해당하는 값 넣기. (100,100)에서 시작하여 넓이 25에, chr size에 맞는 height 가짐
       print (rec)
       x += 190 #figure? 사이의 거리 = 190-25 
       i += 2 
x = 105 #이건 그때그때 알아서
k = 1
while k <21 :
       text = '  <text x = \"{0}\" y = \"80\" fill=\"black\" font-size=\"28\">Chr'.format(x) chromosome  이름 넣어주기
       text2 = k
       text3 = '</text>'
       print text,
       print text2,
       print text3
       k = k +1
       x +=190 #figure 간격대로
file = open("/data2/haggui/SNPpos.txt",'r').readlines()
i = 1
x1 = 80
x2 = 145
while i < 21 :
       for SNP in file :
               if int(SNP.split()[0].split('Chr')[1])== i :
                       y = 100 + int(SNP.split()[1])/25000

결과로 나오는 code

<svg width = 4000 height = 50000>
 <rect x = "100" y ="100" rx= "50" ry = "20" width = "25" height= "2273.26496" style="fill:white;stroke:black;stroke-width:5"/>
 <rect x = "290" y ="100" rx= "50" ry = "20" width = "25" height= "1943.1002" style="fill:white;stroke:black;stroke-width:5"/>
 <text x = "105" y = "80" fill="black" font-size="28">Chr 1 </text>
 <text x = "295" y = "80" fill="black" font-size="28">Chr 2 </text>
 <line x1= "80" y1 = "101" x2 = "145" y2 = "101" stroke="black" stroke-width= "1" />
 <line x1= "80" y1 = "102" x2 = "145" y2 = "102" stroke="black" stroke-width= "1" />