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ascDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
02:26, 25 November 2013Python study introduction.pptx (file)104 KBAlima90 1
02:26, 25 November 2013Python study 1st day.pptx (file)183 KBAlima90 1
02:26, 25 November 2013Python study 2nd day.pptx (file)104 KBAlima90 1
02:27, 25 November 2013Python study 3rd day.pptx (file)217 KBAlima90 1
02:27, 25 November 2013Python study 4th day.pptx (file)79 KBAlima90 1
06:10, 6 December 2013Jatropha Jbrowse.jpg (file)40 KBAlima90 1
05:14, 30 December 2013Mungbean FTP.jpg (file)42 KBAlima90Mungbean_FTP.jpg1
05:42, 30 December 2013Mungbean Jbrowse fix.jpg (file)45 KBAlima90 1
05:42, 30 December 2013Mungbean FTP fix.jpg (file)46 KBAlima90 1
09:16, 13 February 2014Julia.pdf (file)1.06 MBAlima90docs for julia1
05:37, 20 February 2014SAS equality.docx (file)25 KBAlima90 1
05:37, 20 February 2014SAS stability.docx (file)19 KBAlima90 1
07:46, 25 April 2014Mungbean blast.jpg (file)48 KBAlima90 1
02:20, 5 August 2014Adzuki bean Jbrowse.jpg (file)47 KBAlima90 1
09:53, 10 October 201488 scheme.svg (file)
Error creating thumbnail: convert.im6: delegate failed `"rsvg-convert" -o "%o" "%i"' @ error/delegate.c/InvokeDelegate/1065.
convert.im6: unable to open image `/tmp/magick-yahcPxxF': No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2638.
convert.im6: unable to load module `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ImageMagick-6.7.7/modules-Q16/coders/': file not found @ error/module.c/OpenModule/1278.
convert.im6: unable to open file `/tmp/magick-yahcPxxF': No such file or directory @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/583.
convert.im6: no images defined `PNG:/tmp/transform_2c766cff1025-1.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3044.
15 KBAlima90 2
10:00, 10 October 2014Mc2fc1.png (file)77 KBAlima90 1
10:07, 10 October 2014MC2FS.docx (file)14 KBAlima90 1
10:09, 10 October 2014Test1.PNG (file)52 KBAlima90 1
01:43, 13 October 2014Mc2fs2.jpg (file)136 KBAlima90 1
01:52, 13 October 2014Mc2f1.jpg (file)83 KBAlima90 1
05:20, 13 October 2014MC2F config.txt (file)437 BAlima90 1
04:14, 2 December 2014Lab photo.jpg (file)704 KBAlima90 1
02:42, 15 December 2014Poster.jpg (file)2.92 MBAlima90 1
06:25, 17 December 2014P2F.JPG (file)29 KBAlima90 1
08:47, 19 August 2015Day 1.pptx (file)1.27 MBAlima90 1
08:47, 19 August 2015Day 2.pptx (file)1.08 MBAlima90 1
08:52, 19 August 2015Day 3.pptx (file)225 KBAlima90 1
08:53, 19 August 2015Day 4.pptx (file)1.16 MBAlima90 1
08:48, 20 August 2015Practice answer for day2-1.txt (file)488 BAlima90 1
03:41, 22 August 2015Practice answer for day2-2.txt (file)598 BAlima90 1
03:41, 22 August 2015Practice answer for day3.txt (file)4 KBAlima90 1
01:52, 25 August (file)8.49 MBAlima90 1
09:21, 3 January 201717010301.jpeg (file)722 KBAlima902017.1.3.LIPshort1-4.Gradient.50-65.negative.jpg1
09:22, 3 January 201717010302.jpg (file)723 KBAlima902017.1.3.LIPshort5-8.Gradient.50-65.negative.jpg1
06:02, 12 January 20172017.1.4.LIP1,9,10,11.jpg (file)246 KBAlima90LIP01,09,10,111
06:03, 12 January 20172017010401.jpg (file)246 KBAlima90LIP01,09,10,111
06:03, 12 January 20172017010402.jpg (file)246 KBAlima90LIP12,13,14,151
06:04, 12 January 20172017010601.jpg (file)329 KBAlima90LIP16,17,18,191
06:04, 12 January 20172017010602.jpg (file)362 KBAlima90LIP20,21,22,241
06:12, 7 February 201717020201.jpg (file)410 KBAlima902017.02.02.SLIP01-16 with wild and W821
06:14, 7 February 201717020202.jpg (file)396 KBAlima902017.02.02 SLIP17-24 and tublin with wild and w821
06:20, 7 February 201717020301.jpg (file)366 KBAlima902017.02.03 SLIP01,02,03,06,07,09,13,14,15,16,20,24 and tubulin in wild and w821
06:24, 7 February 201717020601.jpg (file)389 KBAlima90 1
06:32, 7 February 20172017.2.7.SLIPwithWildandW82.jpg (file)398 KBAlima902017.02.07 SLIP08,12,13,20 with Wild and W821
06:33, 7 February 201717020701.jpg (file)398 KBAlima902017.02.07 SLIP-08,12,13,20 with Wild and W821
07:15, 22 February 20172017022001.jpg (file)386 KBAlima90LIPs-13a,16a with CS-14 and W82 Tm:56 1% agar 130ml gel 100v 1h2
07:19, 22 February 20172017022201.jpg (file)404 KBAlima902017.2.22 LIPs-13a Gradient using CS-14 and W82 Tm:50-65 130ml gel 1% Agar 100v 1h1
01:06, 28 March 20172008 field plant list.xlsx (file)115 KBAlima90 1
01:06, 28 March 20172009 field plant list.xlsx (file)145 KBAlima90 1
01:07, 28 March 20172010 field plant list.xlsx (file)188 KBAlima90 1

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